ProChile, the public institution that promotes exports and the internationalisation of Chilean companies, entrusted us, after a public tender, with the design and management of a soft landing agenda for five Chilean startups: Suncast, Alfi, Vita Wallet, Plango and Riverpla. During one week, and in person, we connected these five companies with potential clients and collaborators, introduced them to innovation ecosystems and acceleration programmes, and put them on the radar of organisations specialising in setting up companies in Spain and Europe.
More than 50 activities were organised by the Barrabé ecosystem team. Intense days were created based in our offices but with visits to collaborating centres and entities, with transversal and specific meetings for each of the startups, with the particularities of belonging to very diverse sectors, from Fintech to real estate, including renewable energies or financial inclusion.
Consultora estratégica de innovación y negocio que te ayuda a afrontar tus retos para activar soluciones.